Saturday, May 3, 2008

Day 13 and Santa Fe to Canyon de Chelly in Arizona

When I left Santa Fe I back-tracked to the East and South back down to Villanueva and then headed straight South to Hwy 40 West. The drive to Villanueva was very nice. I saw some very old and unique sights. I came around a corner while running along the Pecos River and I found the huge Champion tree you see in one of the photos here.

As I drove South the wind increased and when I hit Hwy 40 it became intense. At times I couldn't drive over 50 mph or the crosswinds would walk me right off the road. Several times the dust storms caused such a dim view I had to drive 25 mph. When I turned North after crossing into Arizona the road became very, very desolate. Then, when I arrived in Ganado and needed gas... none of the stations had any? I continued North and arrived in Chinle running on vapors. Whew! That was close.

Tomorrow will be touring Canyon de Chelly.

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